Very cute... I like the tone of yellow that was used here.
Thank ya! Picking her color scheme was tricky, but I managed to make it work lol
Very cute; I like the shadowy eyes route that you took here. Compliments the hair and the dress nicely.
Welcome back to the art making thing!
I can't believe it's still funny!
The last thing I'd expect to run into on NG would be fan art of that particular video, but here we are I guess
great job at capturing its absurdity lmao
Top notch colouring and shading, the amount of detail there is absolutely unreal.
Stellar work, man!! Outstanding
Thank you..
This is a really awesome poster! I love how you depicted the gang here, Deimos, Jeb and Hank all looking pretty much perfect.
A loaftastic masterpiece. Bread suit when?
Rossiter's right, this guy's hilarious
well well, a mutual..
This goes hard, awesome work! Adaptation to your style went pretty well, I'd say.
Appreciate the feedback, Taur! Thank you!
Your local unpreferred artist.
The lad behind Elequest. I only draw original stuff so my content gets shafted a lot by pretty much everyone.
People tend to associate me with squids and palm trees a lot.
Joined on 1/1/21