I never did make a post on this site for particular for '21, but that's okay! Anyways, here's my summary image for '22. I guess I can go talk about it:
Q1: Honestly there isn't much to say about the start of the year. It was kinda me doing concepts for Subversia, with me dipping my toes into a couple things until around March or so, where I started to get into high gear with even more Subversia stuff like enemies and such. I was dedicating myself to it basically.
This was when I started to get really busy. It's not immediately visible here but I was effectively working nonstop on Subversia media for my University, making map mockups after map mockups. In fact, April was effectively solely that plus some misc arts for others!
As for other notable bits, there's obviously this piece I made which stands out among the big 2 of the year: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/taurmega/hazardous-machinery
And by that, I mean it's when I tried extremely hard to make something very good among all my work up until that point. Unfortunately the fruits of my labour was not proportional to the quality of the piece nor my effort, but it's an achievement all the same.
June also brought us Uroboros AND important boss designs for 100r, the project I'm currently active in developing. Uroboros in particular became quite iconic among my friend group, which is great.
Q3: I believe this was the period of time where I was wrapping up all my Uni work, as well as me experimenting as I wished for ideas and the like for 100r. Some new designs here and there, like the Kitty character or the Assassin.
Obviously there's the 2nd of the big 2 with what I did for Madness Day: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/taurmega/the-many-faces-of-your-origins-madnessday-2022
I'll be honest... I'm disappointed with this one. Not because of its quality but because this released with such little fanfare. I was actually kinda convinced that the piece would do abundantly well, but... it kinda flew over everybody's heads. And that's really unfortunate because I basically did kinda put everything into this. Then again that's basically the story of my whole art career, heh.
Q4: This one is interesting because it's basically when I became free from Uni stuff and when I truly started to focus on my work on 100r, especially kicking into high gear at around November or so? But mostly it was me getting adjusted to working on my own thing again. Too many things I was up to, to really give a good summary. Take it from me though; Q4 was a good 3 months of work.
Overall thoughts... We'll have to see how it develops from here. But personally I'm looking forward to seeing what '23 brings for us. I want to work on my project much more!
And frankly I'm just glad I had a full bit of art to show this time around, and that I didn't have to show any blank squares explaining that I didn't have anything else to show.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for sticking by me in 2022. I'll see you in 2023, hopefully with even more artwork that'll really impress ya!!
Seeya there! Happy new year!!